Tuesday, April 7, 2009
What I Learned from Other Presentations
Internet Safety
The fourth article that I chose to read was Called "Righting Internet Filth". This article was by Mario Hipol and the first one under the Internet Safety link on the LDS website and thus I thought it would be very valuable to my learning. I found that this article gave a lot of helpful and valuable information to adults and parents for how they could protect the children around them from the 'filth' on the internet. It gave actual instructions for parents and adults to follow so that they could protect their personal computers in their homes.
2. What were the most important things you learned from the readings?
One of the things from the reading that I thought was very important was that even a same game could lead into additive behavior. This is why it is so important for everyone to decide today to avoid harmful information and filth by protecting our lives from this additive behavior. We need to start following different ways to protect not only ourselves but others around us so that we do not fall into a difficult situation. This will prevent many of the problems that will arise if we do this today.
3. How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?
I've learned so much information from these articles that it is difficult to see me not using the information to better my life and those around me. First, I think that I am much more aware of the dangers that everyone can come across as they are on the internet and so I want to take precautions to ensure that my future children and students will less likely fall under the grasps of additive behavior and internet filth. Now I know that I will safeguard against the many problems that could arise on the internet. Additionally, now that I understand that such small things can become addictive behaviors, I believe that I will spend less time on the computer doing things that are pointless, such as checking facebook. There are better things I could and should be doing with my time.
4. How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?
One way to help my family and friends is to make them aware of the problems that can arise from the internet. That is the first step to preventing the negative problems, is to be aware of them and their risk. Also, I could help them to know and understand the different prevention tactics to use in order to protect themselves and others from the evils on the internet. By introducing them to the articles that I read, they would be able to see the danger and become aware of different situations in their own lives. Additionally, when I have children of my own I can teach them about the problems and the blessings of the internet so that they know the difference.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Technology in Lesson Idea
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Lesson using Technology
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Technology Inventory
The school provides all the classrooms with an audio enhancement so that the teachers do not have to worry about students being able to hear them. This is a great device that I believe should be in every elementary classroom. Also, the school has two computer labs that have over 30 computers each were the students can go as a class to review or study any subject. These computer labs are available to all classes as long as they are signed up for in enough time. Additionally, the upper grades have a few computers in their classrooms. The school is planning to put in another computer lab just for the sixth grade so that the other ones will be more available. The children go to the computer labs a few times a we to help them on many of the topics that they are learning. In addition to the computers, this school also has VCR and DVD, document cameras, digital cameras, and video cameras that came be checked out. Lastly, there is one smartboard that is shared in the school.
I was shocked to see how much technology was available but extremely happy to see that the teachers take advantage of the technology in most of their lessons. My school, East Meadows Elementary School, is a new school that place a great portion of their budget on technological advances.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
TPACK for Virtual Tour
Social Studies Core Corriculum for 6th Grade:
Standard 1
Students will understand how ancient civilizations developed and how they contributed to the current state of the world.
Content: The content that I will be to view and discover four different ruins and the cultures that built them. The students will learn about the Roman, Mayan, Egyptian, and Chinese civilization and how these different cultures contributed to the world we know today. The students will be able to compare and contrast the information that they learned about each particular ruin and the culture behind it.
Pedagogy: The activity will have to be presented in a way that will be helpful to the students' learning. I believe that this can be achieved by having the children study one group of ruins at a time. Once the students have gained an understanding of all the four ruins then we could compare and contrast them so they will not confuse which information goes to what ruin. Also, in order to make the activities more meaningful I will try to focus the lesson on the students by asking if they have been to these ruins, if they would like to go, what they think they would find there, etc
Technology: The Technology that I will be using in the lesson is Google Earth and the Internet to go to these websites:
http://www.enjoyguatemala.com/ruins.htm, http://www.italylink.com/woi/buildings/colosseum.htm,
and http://geography.about.com/od/specificplacesofinterest/a/greatwall.htm
These websites will help the children answer the questions that they are give about the ruins and their civilizations. These technologies will help the children gain knowledge and understanding of where the ruins are around the world.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Virtual Tour Plan
Location | Activity | Google Earth Content |
1. Tikal, Guatemala | The students will be asked to go to this website: http://www.enjoyguatemala.com/ruins.htm and answer some questions about the Mayan Ruins by reading the article. Then after looking at all the other ruins the students will compare and contrast the four different ruins. | A picture of the Mayan ruins in Tikal, Guatemala |
2.Rome, Italy | The students will be asked to go to this website: http://www.italylink.com/woi/buildings/colosseum.html and answer some questions about the Colosseum by reading the article. Then after looking at all the other ruins the students will compare and contrast the four different ruins. | A picture of the Colosseum in Rome, Italy |
3.Giza, Egypt | The students will be asked to go to this website: http://www.eyelid.co.uk/pyramid3.htm and answer some questions about the Pyramids of Giza by reading the article. Then after looking at all the other ruins the students will compare and contrast the four different ruins. | A picture of the Pyramids of Giza in Giza, Egypt |
4.Northern China | The students will be asked to go to this website: http://geography.about.com/od/specificplacesofinterest/a/greatwall.htm and answer some questions about the Great Wall of China by reading the article. Then after looking at all the other ruins the students will compare and contrast the four different ruins. | A Picture of the Great Wall of China in Northern China |
Details of image overlay / path / polygon: | I am going to use an image overlay in my Virtual Tour Plan. The pictures will be of the different ruins that we are discussing and will be placed on their location on the globe. That way when the students are looking for where to go in the tour, they will be able to easily locate the four areas. |
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
TPACK in Digital Storybook
The pedagogy will be helping the children see the importance of poetry and helping them to see interpret the text within a poem. Before the activity will take place, I will ask my students to think about the poem. Is the girl really being eaten? How does the poem make you feel? Do you think the poem has a deeper meaning then what is read in the text? Could you write a poem like this? What makes this poem so popular? These questions will be asked in a discussion about poems that will take place before the activity.
The technology that will be used in this lesson is PhotoStory. We will use this technology to create a digital storybook as a class. Also, will will get music from freeplaymusic.com that will fit our story and help inhance the emotions that we would like to express within the story.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Using TPACK in a Science Lesson
Pedagogical knowledge within the lesson would be to the ability to discuss the differences in plants and leaves. These differences would include the different parts of a leaf, a proper way to identify and observe the leaf, and the numerous plants that it could come from. This discussion would have to be in terms that the children would be able to understand so that they could be involved in the conversation and participate. It is important to include the students in the discussion so maybe by asking questions or having them lead different parts of the discussion would help to get everyone involved.
Our lesson used two different technologies to help teach. The first one was the leaf identification website which helped the children find what type of plant leaf they had and what plant it came from. This technology allowed the students to answer questions which enhanced their observational skills. The second type of technology we used was a microscope. This allowed the students to find details in the leaves that they might have missed otherwise and to further their understanding of the different parts of a leaf.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Investigating Leaves of Plants
To start off our science activity, we would have the students get into groups and gather various leaves from outside. Once the students bring these leaves inside, we would have them draw pictures of the leaves they collected. The picture below show our drawings of our leaves.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Science/Math Technology Exploration
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
RSS and Web 2.0
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
My Technology Experience
I come from a fairly big family with 6 kids. I'm the last one of the bunch but I like it that way, most of the time. I'm not very experienced with technology. I have a computer at home but I've just done word and email.